Alfred Benzon Foundation
The Alfred Benzon Symposia are international conferences on front line research in medical, pharmaceutical, and related sciences funded by the Alfred Benzon Foundation. The purpose of the symposia is to bring together leading experts within a given field to present and discuss their research and to facilitate interaction between established scientists and younger scientists.
The Alfred Benzon Foundation supports working meetings also known as Alfred Benzon Workshops. The purpose of these workshops is to promote Danish researchers’ contact with foreign colleagues around a specific scientific problem or project within the medical and pharmaceutical disciplines. The working meetings can take many forms but must be held in Denmark.
About the Alfred Benzon Foundation

The Alfred Benzon Foundation was established in 1952 by Bøje Benzon (1891-1976), dr.scient and Director for Alfred Benzon A/S. Alfred Benzon A/S was founded in 1863 by Bøje Benzon’s grandfather, Alfred Nicolai Benzon and was the first pharmaceutical company in Denmark. Bøje Benzon donated his company shares to the Foundation to support medical and pharmaceutical sciences and relevant basic natural sciences. The Foundation also supports the Copenhagen Zoo research facility.
The Foundation sponsors international symposia and workshops. The Foundation has held 65 symposia and supported more than 200 fellows, the vast majority for three years.
Moreover, a clinical research program was initiated in 2018 and so far the foudation has supported more than 20 different projects focusing on the improvement of patient care within a broad spectrum of clinical specialities.
The Alfred Benzon Foundation
Leila Majdanac, administrative manager
C/O Rigshospitalet – Copenhagen University Hospital
Center for Genomic Medicine 4113
2100 Copenhagen
Phone: +45 2297 8752
E-mail: mail@benzon-foundation.dk
Board of Trustees:
Finn Cilius Nielsen, professor, dr. med., chairman
Mads Bryde Andersen, professor, dr. jur., vice-chairman
Hanne Mørck Nielsen, professor, ph.d.
Lars Fugger, professor, dr. med.