Benzon Symposium 66 – Aquaporins in health and disease

Copenhagen, September 26-29, 2022

The Benzon Symposia are international conferences on front line research in medical, pharmaceutical, and related sciences funded by the Alfred Benzon Foundation.

The concept of the 66th Benzon Symposium “Aquaporin 2020: Aquaporins in Health and Disease” is to bring together the world’s leading scientists working on aquaporin research both within basic and clinical science. With this symposium, we aim to establish an interdisciplinary program focusing on aquaporins in different organs, the role of aquaporins in several diseases, novel functions of aquaporins as well as aquaporin transport selectivity. We hope to create an intense and interactive environment for both experienced and young scientists.

Symposium No. 66 is a full 4-day scientific meeting featuring state-of-art lectures by 24 world-leading scientists who have made groundbreaking contributions to the understanding of aquaporins. The Benzon Symposium will further include posters and oral presentations from younger researchers selected from submitted abstracts. Attendance will be limited to 150 scientific participants in total. The venue will be Hotel Skt. Petri (, beautifully located in the heart of Copenhagen for the entire event.

Organizers: Lene N. Nejsum, Peter Agre, Jørgen Frøkiær, Robert Fenton, Rikke Nørregaard, Jeppe Prætorius, Birgitte Christensen, Finn Cilius Nielsen and Lars Fugger


Non-mammalian aquaporins and aquaporins in vision
Kidney and AQP2 trafficking I and II
Aquaporins as clinical intervention
Aquaporins in the brain
Aquaporin function and structure
Aquaporins in metabolism
Aquaporin water and gas transportation

Confirmed invited speakers

Peter Agre (US)
Paul J. Donaldson (NZ)
Joan Cerda (E)
Christophe Maurel (F)
Enno Klussman (D)
Dennis Brown (US)
Fumiaki Ando (J)
Rikke Nørregaard (DK)
Jeffrey Iliff (US)
Masato Yasui (J)
Mahmood Amiry-Moghaddam (N)
Karin Lindkvist  (S)
Susanna Törnroth- Horsefield (S)
Lene N. Nejsum (DK)
Michael Caplan (US)
Robert A. Fenton (DK)
Mark A. Knepper (US)
Jeff M. Sands (US)
Giuseppe Calamita (I)
Weidong Wang (ROC)
Nanna MacAulay (DK)
Walter Boron (US)
Giovanna Valenti (I)


In order to participate in the symposium one MUST submit an abstract before the deadline April 15th 2020 (at noon). Please prioritize early registration as registrations are on a first come, first served basis.

Submission round opens: March 1, 2022
Submission round closes: April 15th, 2022 AT NOON
Registration: (provided acceptance of abstract) May 15th 2022
Fee: DKK 4,500 (scientific meeting, hotel accommodation Sunday-Thursday, meals, and social events)

No discount is given to local delegates

Mid-June the applicants will be notified whether their abstracts have been accepted for either oral or poster presentation.

We look forward to seeing you in Copenhagen
The organizing committee