AUGUST 18 – 21, 2008 – Copenhagen, Denmark
Organizing committee: Kristian Helin (Copenhagen), Jesper Q. Svejstrup (London) & Arne Svejgaard (Copenhagen) Invited speakers and chairmen: AKHTAR, Asifa (Germany) – ALLIS, David (USA) – ALMOUZNI, Genevieve (France) – BICKMORE, Wendy (United Kingdom) – BJÖRKLUND, Stefan (Sweden) – CAIRNS, Brad (USA) – CONAWAY, Joan (USA) – EGLY, Jean-Marc (France) – GRUNSTEIN, Michael (USA) – GUSTAFSSON, Claes (Sweden) – HELIN, Kristian (Denmark) – JENUWEIN, Thomas (Austria) – KINGSTON, Robert E. (USA) – KORNBERG, Roger (USA) – KOUZARIDES, Tony (United Kingdom) – PELICCI, Pier Giuseppe (Italy) – PLATH, Kathrin (USA) – ROEDER, Robert G. (USA) – SHI, Yang (USA) – SVEJSTRUP, Jesper Q. (United Kingdom) – TJIAN, Robert. (USA) – VAN LOHUIZEN, Maarten (The Netherlands) – VERRIJZER, Peter (The Netherlands) – WORKMAN, Jerry (USA) – ZHANG, Yi (USA)
Synopsis: Transcription is the endpoint for all cell regulatory pathways, and the correct regulation of gene transcription therefore ensures accurate differentiation and development of cells and tissues, and is crucial for the maintenance of health. Our understanding of the biochemistry and genetics of eukaryotic transcription has increased tremendously over the last decade, with new levels of complexity and sophistication being added every year. This has been accentuated further with the recent wealth of information regarding the role of chromatin and post-translational modifications of the histones in regulating gene expression. Moreover, a striking number of direct connections between key regulators of transcription and human disease have become apparent. For instance, several proteins involved in chromatin modifications have been classified as oncogenes or tumor suppressor genes. In addition, other forms of human disease, including several neuropathies, can also be classified as ’transcription diseases’.
The 55th Benzon Symposium will bring together some of the leading scientists interested in basic transcription mechanisms, chromatin and disease. The symposium will shed light on different aspects of transcription, using different organisms as models (from yeast, through Drosophila to mice and humans), and diverse approaches (biochemistry, genetics, and animal models). It will focus on the basic aspects of normal transcription mechanisms, as well as on pathological features and links to various diseases.
Scientific program (pdf)